November is one of our favorite months. It heralds out the last of the warm weather here in Mississippi. It brings on the month of Thanksgiving, where we offer up our praise to God for allowing the bounty of food and blessings we have (and there are far too many to count). It brings leaves of gold, yellow, red, orange and brown and the crinkling sounds beneath our feet. It means more days of hunting, as the sun goes down earlier, and we can still have supper at a reasonable time. It means bonfires with roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. But most of all, it brings in a time of perishing and hibernation of plants and animals to bring in a time for the new. Ecclesiastes says there is a time for everything. And right now, on earth and in our personal lives, it is a time for a new beginning. God is working on a plan for our lives that will bring us into the next phase of our lives. We are both excited and trepidatious of the direction we are going in and the work that it will entail. As we see the plan unfold, we will share more of this journey with you, but we are not even sure of it ourselves. God is working on us and on our patience, and as soon as He reveals His plan to us, we will tell you all about it!
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